Health system in Iraq: a known problem and deferred reform

Saad Ahmed Ali Jadoo (1)
(1) Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Diyala, 32001, Diyala, Iraq , Iraq


The health system in Iraq is a complex framework impacted by historical, political, and socio-economic factors. Over the past few decades, Iraq's healthcare infrastructure has faced significant challenges due to wars, sanctions, and internal strife. These events have resulted in a gradual decline of a once-advanced healthcare system. This review aims to provide an in-depth analysis of Iraq's current health system, identifying prevalent issues and highlighting necessary deferred reforms for improvement. Historically, Iraq's healthcare system was highly regarded in the Middle East before the 1990s. However, the Gulf War in 1991 and subsequent United Nations sanctions led to severe deterioration. The 2003 invasion further exacerbated the situation, resulting in the destruction of facilities, displacement of professionals, and a breakdown in public health services. Currently, Iraq’s health system comprises public and private sectors, with the Ministry of Health (MoH) as the primary provider. Despite some rebuilding efforts, challenges like infrastructure deficits, resource shortages, human resource gaps, governance issues, and inequitable access persist. Key recommendations include strengthening infrastructure, enhancing human resources, improving governance, ensuring equitable access, addressing public health challenges, and building resilience. International cooperation, community engagement, and investment in research and innovation are also crucial. These reforms are essential for transforming Iraq’s health system and improving health outcomes for its population.

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Saad Ahmed Ali Jadoo
Health system in Iraq: a known problem and deferred reform. (2024). Journal of Lifelong DentoMedical Health, 1(1), 16-21.

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Health system in Iraq: a known problem and deferred reform. (2024). Journal of Lifelong DentoMedical Health, 1(1), 16-21.
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